Online Therapy

Traditionally counselling sessions have taken place face-to-face: both client and therapist together in a private therapy room. Online therapy differs in that the therapist works from their private therapy room and the client remains in a private space of their own, usually at home.

Why people may choose Online Therapy

  • Just like face-to-face therapy people seek out online therapy for a multitude of reasons, check out the rest of my site for more on the benefits of therapy and my experience and areas of special interest.
  • It can save the client time/money as there are no travel time or costs for getting to and from the session
  • Sessions can be undertaken even when you’re away from home, as long as you have a device and a private space you have no reason to miss your session
  • For those who find it difficult to leave their home for any reason online therapy can be a good solution, or a starting point for those wishing to progress to face-to-face work
  • I offer a free brief consultation to see if online therapy is for you

How does Online Therapy work?

  • In order to attend an online therapy session all you need is a private space and a device capable of running Zoom video conferencing software, such a as a mobile phone, tablet, laptop or desktop computer that has a camera and sound
  • With Zoom there is no need to download an app, you will receive an email with your appointment time and details of how to login prior to the session
  • Sessions last one hour and prior to starting therapy we will agree a contract that details issues such as confidentiality, payment, cancellation, session time and frequency
  • Further details of how online therapy works can be found in my privacy policy: privacy-statement

I hope that this website will provide you with the information and support you need to decide if online therapy may be helpful for you. Feel free to contact me if you have any further questions.